So, you want to start a YouTube channel…

Frequently I hear Quilters say they want to start a YouTube channel…and a lot of times, they ask for my help. Getting started with a channel can seem overwhelming - but, you can absolutely do it! When I started my channel, I didn’t know anything more than how to operate the camera on my phone, but thanks to good old Google, I was able to learn along the way!

In an effort to help folks get started, I’ve compiled this page that will help you get off the ground.

Is there such a thing as YouTube Etiquette?

There’s nothing officially written anywhere, but there does seem to be two things that content creators try to respect:

  1. Do not self-promote, unless invited by the creator. Some channels are ok with you sharing your channel/videos/etc.; however, a lot aren’t. As a rule of thumb, when you interact with another creator’s audience, do it to be a part of the audience - not with the intention of growing yours.

  2. Give credit where credit is due. It’s likely that some of your content will be inspired by something you see somewhere else - that’s great! If it is, a wonderful way to thank the person that inspired you is to shout out their video (and even link to it).

What do I need to start a channel?

Use whatever you have to get started - you do not need any fancy equipment! When I started out, I relied on my phone to do everything! I love technology, so as I grew - I stepped into a more complex setup, but that’s not required. There are several very successful channels that are still operated from nothing but an iPhone (like The Sewing Channel!). If you’re curious what I use, you can check out this page which lists everything I use to make quilts & videos!

I’m not Technical - can I still run a channel?

YES! When I hear people say “I’m not tech-savvy”, I always feel like that’s essentially someone saying “I’m not smart enough to figure things out” - and I do not believe any of this is too complicated for you! You can learn…you just have to want to.

That said, it’s ok to say you don’t want to learn…and you can still launch your channel. There may be a few things you’ll have to figure out, but you can make the tech as intricate or as simple as you’d like. The secret ingredient to a successful channel is about making content people want to watch, not having all the latest tech!

If you need a little help, at the top of my page, under YouTube Help, there are some articles I’ve written that may help you.

How did you learn to record/edit/livestream?

In short…Google. Google is my best friend when it comes to solving any issue! When something isn’t working the way I expect it to, I use Google (& YouTube!) to find answers to those problems. Sometimes that search gives me a quick answer…and sometimes - as frustrating as it can be - it just leads to more questions and it can take me a while to figure something out. Because I know how stressful it is to find answers sometimes, I have compiled quick ‘help’ guides listing out problems I’ve encountered & their solutions: Livestream help

How did you grow your audience?

Honestly, by being me and making content that (1) I want to make; and (2) people want to watch. I know every video isn’t going to be amazing for everyone, but I can watch my video before I post it. If it doesn’t keep my interest - then I can’t expect it to keep anyone else’s, either.

How do you find new content?

My video topics can range from researching trends to suggestions from my audience! But, at the end of the day - if it’s a topic that I’m not passionate about making, it doesn’t get made.

should i make a video if someone already did it?

Yes - you absolutely should! But…make sure you’re creating content that is unique to you. Just because someone else out there has done a video about something doesn’t mean it’s off the table. I’d suggest making sure you’re not just copying their entire video (that’s bad form!) - just make it your own! And, if your video was inspired by another channel’s video - give them a shout out and link to the original video!

Will you help me get started?

I wish I had the bandwidth to give everyone one-on-one support to kick off their channel - but there’s not enough hours in the day. Fortunately, there are a lot of folks out there that make content specifically around this topic! And, if taking classes is more your speed - they offer Master Classes as well. I highly recommend Sean Connell at Think Media!

Because I know how stressful it is to find answers sometimes, I have compiled quick ‘help’ guides listing out problems I’ve encountered & their solutions: Livestream help

Will people be mean to me?

Unfortunately, yes…but they are few and far between. Personally, I feel most of my comments are positive - or at least well intentioned. However, occasionally, some folks can be hurtful. When you place yourself in the public spotlight, you’re inviting people in…and not everyone is going to be a fan. And…sometimes, those folks will make unkind comments - either directly to you, or behind your back. I can’t tell you it won’t hurt - because, it can! When they happen - and they will - just ignore them and move on. Remember, it takes two to argue and someone’s negativity is an invitation for that argument that you don’t have to accept.