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Spring is in the Air!

Hey Friends!

Can you believe it’s already March? Seems like yesterday I was excitedly purchasing my 2024 planner and penciling in my schedule for the coming year. So many thoughts of projects both new and old racing around my head. Next Sunday, March 10th, we “Spring Forward” and with that comes ”longer days” with more sunlight and warmth! My FAVORITE time of the year! I become inspired by the things around me . . . the blooming flowers, the bright green trees and the sun shining bright bringing warmth and creativity! Where I live, it also means that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom on the Tidal Basin. Walking through them amongst the crowds can be a bit of a challenge, but gazing upon their magnificent beauty is magical and reflective! If you’ve never had the opportunity to visit our Nation’s Capitol during this time of the year, you should definitely add it to your bucket list! The beauty of it all can be mesmerizing! Can you tell I’ve caught of dose of Spring Fever? LOL

As quilters, what is the ideal cure for a bout of spring fever? Why, of course, it’s sprucing up our quilt studio to make it a more appealing place to spend time creating all of those gorgeous projects we have on our to-do list for this year! But where do we begin . . . that’s the number one question for all of us! Spring cleaning our stash can be a daunting task, but not if you break it down into smaller chunks of time and parts of our space.

The number one rule of thumb is to reset your space at the end of each work day or at the very least at the end of a project! Gather up those scraps of leftover fabrics, your quilting tools, patterns and supplies and put them away in their proper place. You’ve heard the phrase . . . “a place for everything and everything in it’s place?” That’s the philosophy that I live by in my creative world. I simply cannot create in the midst of chaos! There’s nothing that makes me more productive than having a clean slate in front of me when I sit down to start a brand new project! I’d rather spend my time sewing than being side-tracked by having to clean up a mess in my space!

There are thousands of suggestions on the internet for ways to organize and clean your sewing space. There are 30-day organizing challenges that you can participate in to help your spruce up your quilting life; however, if you practice this one thing . . . . it will make a WORLD of difference in making your quilting life more enjoyable and productive!

I hope this little but very important tip will help cure that troublesome Spring Fever in your quilting space . . . it’s the best prescription for getting over that hurdle in my life! I hope to share some additional little tidbits of information for organizing your space with you again next week, so don’t forget to check back with me again! Until then . . . stay positive and more importantly keep creating those wonderful works of the heart!

Quilty hugs,


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