Half-Square Triangle Calculator

How to Use

  1. In the Select Method drop down field, select the method you’d like to use to make your half-square triangles.

  2. In the Size Type drop down field, select whether you’re providing a finished size or a squared size.

  3. In the HST Size field, enter the number of inches your half-square triangle should measure when finished.

  4. Click the Calculate button.

  5. Results will display for the materials required to create half-square triangles using the method selected.


HST Calculator

Fine Print

  • Results may require trimming up.

  • Results assume Quilter knows how to use the methods selected.

  • To make HSTs following the 8 at a time method, you will need to draw two diagonal lines on the wrong side of one fabric; sew 1/4” away from each side of both lines; then cut into 8 sections (up, down, then on each diagonal.)

  • The calculator is owned by Becca Shifflett for Sew Becca. Sew Becca is not responsible for any damages or errors caused by its use. Results depend on the information given. The user accepts all risks related to the calculator's quality, performance, and accuracy.