Find My Quilt Size

How to Use

  1. In the Blocks Per Row field, enter the number of blocks in each row of your quilt.

  2. In the Number of Rows field, enter the number of rows your quilt will have.

  3. In the Finished Block Size field, enter the number of inches the block will measure to when it’s fully sewn into the quilt top. (note: this only currently works for blocks that are square shaped)

  4. In the Sashing drop down, select whether or not your quilt will have sashing between the blocks.

  5. If you selected Yes to Sashing, enter the number of inches the sashing will measure once sewn into the quilt top. (note: sashing is defined as the space between blocks only)

  6. In the Borders drop down, select whether or not your quilt will have borders.

  7. If you selected Yes to Borders, in the Number of Borders field, enter the number of borders you will add. (note: if you’re using sashing and wish to extend that to the borders, make sure to include this as an inner border in your border count.)

  8. For each of the borders you selected, enter the number of inches each round of borders will finish at.

  9. Click Calculate Quilt Size.

  10. The results will give you an approximate measurement for how wide and long the quilt will be based on the information you provided.


Fine Print

  • Results generated are based on information provided.

  • Sashing assumes sashing between blocks only. Sashing around quilt center should be treated as a border.

  • The calculator is owned by Becca Shifflett for Sew Becca. Sew Becca is not responsible for any damages or errors caused by its use. Results depend on the information given. The user accepts all risks related to the calculator's quality, performance, and accuracy.