March 2025 Snippets
Hello, Quilty Friends!
Spring is just around the corner, and I’ve got lots to share with you from February and some exciting things coming up in March. Let’s dive in!
February Recap
First off, I just want to take a moment to say thank you. I know many of you are aware that I’m a Federal employee, and I am so touched by all of you! Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve received so many messages of support - which have meant the world to me! Several of you continue to ask if I still have my job - and for now, I’m happy to report I do! Things may change in the future - but, for now - I’m doing the best I can to keep my nose down, do the job I’ve been hired for and tune out the noise. And, bonus - while telework was wonderful (because I didn’t have the commute) - returning to the office 5 days a week affords me the option to completely tune out work when I’m at home!
February may have be the shortest month of the year, but for me - it’s PACKED! Both Jason & I celebrate birthdays, there’s valentine’s day, and - of course - QUILTCON!
Y’all, let’s talk about QuiltCon—because WOW, what an experience! Ian and I traveled in on Wednesday and came back home on Monday, and I had an absolute blast! We met so many friends, hugged a lot of people, took a million selfies, and gave away a lot of stickers! I absolutely enjoyed my time away and I can’t wait till Raleigh 2026 - I hope to see you there!
Oh yeah, and don’t worry - if you didn’t get a Quiltcon sticker (maybe you couldn’t find me? you couldn’t go? or you just want more!) - I’ve got you covered. I OVER ORDERED my Quiltcon stickers - and would be delighted to gift you my 3 Quiltcon 2025 stickers! Just send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
📬 Becca Shifflett
12849 Galveston Ct #401
Manassas, VA 20112
In the coming week, I hope to publish a Quiltcon Recap video showing some of my favorite quilts, talking about the classes that I took, and sharing some tips for you to get ready for Quiltcon 2026!
What’s Coming in March
March is shaping up to be a fun and busy month! Here’s what I’m looking forward to:
🧵 Weekend Zoom Sew-Along for VIP Members & YouTube Perk Holders (Saturday, March 29 - Sunday, March 30)
📅 Block 3 of the 2025 Quilt-Along drops on Saturday, March 8 (PDF will be posted & emailed on Thursday, March 6)
💍 Celebrating my 16th wedding anniversary with Jason! (March 28, 2025)
🎥 A video showcasing my favorite quilts from QuiltCon
🪡 Displaying FOUR of my quilts at the Dallas Quilt Show!
March is going to be a great month, and I can’t wait to share all of it with you. Thanks for being part of my quilting journey—it truly means the world to me.
Until next time, happy quilting! ✂️💖
In Case You Missed It
Check out my Quiltcon 2025 haul!
2025 QAL - Block 2!
Battle of the Rulers - which one will win?!
Was my longarm purchase worth it?